Superheroes don’t always need to have six packs and cool demeanors. They can also have a chubby face, a beer belly and a warm smile like the white inflatable healthcare robot Baymax from Disney’s Oscar-winning 3-D animated film Big Hero 6.超级英雄不一定非要有六块腹肌,也不一定言谈举止炫酷有型。他们可以宽着一张胖乎乎的脸,挺着大肚腩,笑容温馨又有爱人——就像《超强能陆战队》中的私人身体健康顾问大白。这部3D电影取得了第87届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。
Based on a Marvel comic, the film centers on 14-year-old robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. After his older brother Tadashi, who is a university student delving into robotics loses his life in a fire, the boy reprograms Tadashi’s Baymax into a fighting robot and forms a superhero team to investigate the truth behind the tragic accident.《超强能陆战队》改编自漫威漫画,故事环绕14岁的机器人设计奇才阿宏进行。他的哥哥阿正是一名钻研机器人技术的大学生,意外的是一场火灾夺走了他的生命。为了调查火灾事故的真凶,阿宏新的装配了哥哥留给的机器人大白,并将其改建成战斗型机器人,(和哥哥的好友一起)正式成立了无敌陆战队。The biggest selling point of the movie is the super lovable and balloonish Baymax. Looking like a walking marshmallow and moving and speaking slowly, he is the movie’s star. Although he might not look like the professional nurse he is, Baymax serves as a reasonable and competent healthcare companion. In any case, Hiro’s health condition, physically and psychologically, is always Baymax’s first concern.超强咲滚圆的大白是该片的仅次于卖点。
When Hiro commands Baymax to fight, something it doesn’t understand, the cute medical care robot instead tilts his head and tenderly asks what would improve Hiro’s mood, melting the audience’s hearts.当阿宏命令大白打开战斗模式时,身兼医护机器人的大白之后不会一脸茫然,扯着脑袋音节回答阿宏该如何提高他的情绪。看见这里,观众的心也随之融化了。
Most Disney films start out with a feeling of impending doom. However, when trouble hits, our emotional investment in the characters only increases. We don’t want to see the innocent robot become an instrument of revenge.大部分迪士尼电影开篇总爱营造一种厄运将近的气氛,但是,当困难确实经常出现时,观众却早就对主人公有了感情。所以,我们谁也想看见天知道大白沦为报仇的工具。Robot movies are not new and have provoked profound thoughts for ages. In 2004 sci-fi film I, Robot, humanoid robots pose a fatal threat to humanity, and the 2009 animated film 9 opens with the near extinction of human beings at the hands of robots. But Big Hero 6 chooses to tell a simple but heartwarming story about the bond between humans and a robot.以机器人为的主题的电影并不新鲜,多年来,仍然引人深思。2004年的科幻电影《我,机器人》描写了人形机器人对人类的可怕威胁;2009年的动画电影《机器人9号》一开篇就展出了人类在机器人手中近乎绝种的场面。
而电影《超强能陆战队》却与众不同,它描写了机器人与人类之间一个非常简单而暖心的故事。The ending of the movie seems a bit predictable. When Hiro’s possessed with thoughts of revenge, it is video clips of his brother that keep him from being swallowed by rage. Some might say this transformation comes too easily. But I’d rather believe family affection has this power. It’s love that inspires the young, indifferent genius to start to care about people around him and the world, changing Hiro into a true hero.电影的结局或许在意料之中。