本文摘要:Chinese scientists are building a low-energy and high-performance superconducting computer, aiming to complete a prototype as early as 2022, according to a media report.根据一则媒体报道,我国科学家正在修建一台低耗能、高性能的超导计算机,目的最先于2022年竣工样机。

Chinese scientists are building a low-energy and high-performance superconducting computer, aiming to complete a prototype as early as 2022, according to a media report.根据一则媒体报道,我国科学家正在修建一台低耗能、高性能的超导计算机,目的最先于2022年竣工样机。Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched the project worth one-billion yuan last November.中国科学院的科学家们是在去年11月启动了这个支出10亿元的项目。

The unprecedented machine will have central processing units running at a frequency of 770 gigahertz or higher. By contrast, the fastest existing commercial processor runs at just 5 Ghz.这台史无前例的机器的中央处理器将以770千兆赫或更高频率运营。相比之下,现有的最慢商业处理器的运营速度仅有为5千兆赫。The machine will also help find a way to reduce the massive energy consumption of supercomputers. As supercomputers grow bigger, so does their appetite.这台机器还将有助寻找减少超导计算机极大能耗的方法。

随着超级计算机显得更加大,它们的胃口也更加大。Chinas Sunway TaihuLight, the worlds second-fastest supercomputer behind the Summit in the US, requires 15 megawatts of power to run for one year, according to a researcher involved in the RD process.据参予研发过程的研究人员称之为,中国的神威太湖一号是全球第二大超级计算机,次于美国的Summit,必须15兆瓦的电力才能运营一年。By 2040, the worlds computers may need more electricity than our global energy production can deliver, according to a report released by the Semiconductor Industry Association and the Semiconductor Research Corporation in 2015.根据半导体行业协会和半导体研究公司2015年公布的一份报告表明,到2040年,全球的计算机必须的电力有可能要比全球能源生产的电力更加多。

The superconducting computer could be one of the most radical solutions to an ever-increasing energy demand. The concept rests on sending electric currents through supercooled circuits made of superconducting materials.超导计算机有可能是大大快速增长的能源需求的最保守的解决方案之一。该概念依赖通过由超导材料做成的过冷电路发送到电流。



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